Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Clean Your Streams, Sat., Sept. 21, 2013

This is a fun event that we have done the past few years.

This year it is on the same day as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk at Ottawa Park. We should be able to do both.

The TECHS group will be reporting to the patio behind the UT Law School Building between 8-8:30 AM on Saturday, September 21, 2013.

The organizers may be bussing people to another site.

There is an appreciation picnic afterward at the Lucas County Recreation Center which starts at noon.

There will be prizes, free pizza and t-shirts at the picnic.

Release Forms
Everyone (parents and students) must have a signed release form. 

If you are under 18 you must have a parent or guardian's signature. 
I have a bunch of copies at school.

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